Partnering needs to be more than just talk. It needs to deliver impact and results.

And partnering should be a 'means to an end not an end in itself'. It needs to result in tangible outcomes that ensures a return on investment for all the time and resources employed over what can often be a long period. 

Being proactive and using a clear partnering methodology will ensure that your partnering has the best chance of success. 

What you'll learn

  • Key Success Factors

    Review the Key Success Factors needed for effective Cross Sector Partnering and the importance of having a clear methodology for partnering

  • Partnership Brokering

    Learn how partnership brokers can assist and support partners in their partnering process

  • Action Planning

    Reflect on the Partnering by Design™ course material and develop an action plan for your own partnering work.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • Welcome and what's in this course

    • Navigating the course - some tips

    • Get the workbook

    • Before you begin...

  • 2

    Key Success Factors

    • Key Success Factors

  • 3

    Partnering by Design™

    • Partnering by Design™

    • The DIXON Partnering Process

    • The Key Principles of Cross Sector Partnering

    • The Critical Components of Cross Sector Partnering

    • The ECOA Principle

    • Quiz 1

  • 4

    Getting Lift Off

    • Getting Lift Off

  • 5

    The Partnership Broker

    • The Partnership Broker

    • What do Partnership Brokers do?

    • Engaging a Partnership Broker

    • Quiz 2

  • 6

    Partnering Challenges

    • Internal Buy In

    • Creating Space for Partnering

    • Partnering Relationships

    • Resolving Conflicts

    • Developing a Common Language

    • Achieving Balance

  • 7

    Action Planning

    • Action Planning

    • Some Further Tools

    • Further Reading and Study

    • Quiz 3

  • 8

    Next Steps

    • Congrats! Here's whats next

Course Pricing

Price is in Australian Dollars and includes Goods and Services Tax

Course Bonuses

In addition to the course content you will also receive:

  • Downloadable Workbook

    Download the official workbook in each course to support you as you work through the lessons

  • Certificate of Completion

    Receive your personalised Certificate on satisfactory completion of each course or collection of courses

  • Lifetime Access

    You'll be able to come back and revisit the course material at any time

Develop your partnering skills today