It can be tempting to skip elements of the Creating Stage in favour of getting to what seems the obvious actions or tasks. 

Partners who rush ahead to action, however, risk progressing without the essential shared intentions, understandings, relationship building and trust that enable real and deep impact. 

Successful and sustainable Cross-Sector Partnering requires this early investment of time, communication and thinking 

What you'll learn

  • The Foundations

    Learn the key activities and key questions you need to ask at this stage of the partnering process

  • Getting Started

    Explore how to prepare to partner, approach potential partners and study a role play simulation of partners coming together for a First Meeting

  • Getting Buy In

    Learn the importance of building buy in back within your own and other partners organisations

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome and what's in this course

    • Navigating the course - some tips

    • Get the workbook

    • Before you begin...

  • 2

    The Creating Stage

    • What happens in the Creating Stage

    • Key Activities

    • Key Questions

    • A Creating Tool: Fan - Focus

    • Quiz 1

  • 3

    Preparing to Partner

    • Preparing to Partner

    • Building Internal Capability

  • 4

    Getting Started

    • Getting Started

    • Who Should we Invite?

    • Assessing Potential Partners

    • Approaching Potential Partners

    • Quiz 2

  • 5

    The First Meeting

    • The First Meeting

    • Planning the Meeting

    • At the Meeting

  • 6

    Lets Practice

    • A Role Play Scenario

    • The Partners

    • The Partner Representatives and Context

    • Watmora Storage facility - The First Meeting

    • Reflection and Debrief

  • 7

    Getting Buy In

    • Getting Buy In

    • Building the Case for Partnering

    • Quiz 3 - Questions

  • 8

    Next Steps

    • Congrats! Here's what's next...

Course Pricing

Price is in Australian Dollars and includes Goods and Services Tax

Course Bonuses

In addition to the course content you will also receive:

  • Downloadable Workbook

    Download the official workbook in each course to support you as you work through the lessons

  • Certificate of Completion

    Receive your personalised Certificate on satisfactory completion of each course or collection of courses

  • Lifetime Access

    You'll be able to come back and revisit the course material at any time

Develop your partnering skills today