The Developing Stage of Partnering is where the 'rubber hits the road'.

Until now partner discussions may have been strategic and high level, but now it is time to harness all the resources and contributions and make the partnering  work in practice and deliver results.

Setting up the right processes and procedures to enable the partnership to operate effectively on a day to day basis can be challenging. Ensuring accountability for commitments made will be essential if the partnering is to work for all partners. 

What you'll learn

  • Partnering in Practice

    Learn what it takes to operationalise your partnership and the activities you need to pay attention to at this stage

  • Resources & Contributions

    Explore how to draw out resources and contributions from the partners and study a role play simulation of a Planning Meeting

  • Governance & Communication

    Learn what is needed to create governance and accountability structures together with effective communication processes

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome and what's in this course

    • Navigating the course - some tips

    • Get the workbook

    • Before you begin...

  • 2

    The Developing Stage

    • What happens in the Developing Stage

    • Key Activities

    • Key Questions

    • Quiz 1

  • 3

    Resources & Contributions

    • Resources and Contributions

    • A Developing Tool - Mind Mapping

  • 4

    Planning Meetings

    • The Planning Meetings

    • Resource Matrix Tool

    • Some Points to Note

    • Quiz 2

  • 5

    Let's Practice

    • A Planning Meeting

    • The Scenario - Watmora Water Storage Facility

    • The Partners

    • Watmora Storage Facility - A Planning Meeting

    • Reflection and Debrief

  • 6


    • Governance

    • Setting up the right Governance

    • Native Title Governance - A Case Study

  • 7


    • Communication

    • A Communication Tool

    • Quiz 3

  • 8

    Next Steps

    • Congrats! Here's whats next...

Course Pricing

Price is in Australian Dollars and includes Goods and Services Tax

Course Bonuses

In addition to the course content you will also receive:

  • Downloadable Workbook

    Download the official workbook in each course to support you as you work through the lessons

  • Certificate of Completion

    Receive your personalised Certificate on satisfactory completion of each course or collection of courses

  • Lifetime Access

    You'll be able to come back and revisit the course material at any time

Develop your partnering skills today